What does MiVaBo do?
MiVaBo helps occasionally and structurally
MiVABo is a foundation that aims to stand up for the Less Valid Bonaireans and make Bonaire 100% accessible, wheelchair-friendly, adaptable and safe. MiVaBo wants to ensure that Less Valid Bonaireans are optimally involved in society. Mivabo wants to ensure that policymakers, politicians and commercial parties participate in a modern disability policy on Bonaire. MiVaBo strives to ensure that disabled and disabled Bonaireans learn about their rights and obligations in the field of disability.

(Photo: Sylvia de Boer)
What does MiVaBo do?
The 3 main goals of MiVaBo
1: Bonaire has a modern disability policy
MiVaBo wants to ensure that policy makers, politicians and commercial parties participate in a modern disability policy on Bonaire and a proper implementation. To achieve this MiVaBo performs an active lobby.
2: Bonaireans are aware of the problems of the disabled.
Abled and disabled Bonaireans know their rights and obligations in the field of disability. Who has a disability, can better defend themselves. Who does not have limitations take others into account. To achieve this, MiVaBo organise public relations actions.
3: Disabled Bonaireans know their surroundings and available support
Disabled people know which places on Bonaire are, or are not, accessible to them. They also know what help is available and know how to find it. They know that this information can be found on the MiVaBo website.
All activities of MiVaBo result from these 3 goals. To achieve these goals, we work together with governments, politicians, retailers, tourism companies and social organizations in Bonaire, CuraƧao, the Netherlands and the US.
How can you support MiVaBo doing its job?
Support MiVaBo
Happiness can not be expressed in money. But when MiVaBo gets the job done to make the life of a disabled person more comfortable we guarantee that this person becomes a happier person. What should have been the costs, the help of MivaBo?
Where can I go and where not?
Of this beautiful island, MiVaBo compiles a list of accessible and inaccessible buildings, streets and other places such as diving sites.
This list will be managed interactively by both MiVaBo and the owners and/or managers of these establishments and places. At this moment we can therefore only be of service if you email us personally.