Support MiVaBo in kind
Because we take each other into account
You have goods or services to offer for MiVaBo
Do you want to make your meeting room available for the upcoming MiVaBo conference, can you get 10 walkers or walkers, do you want to print our new brochure for free or with a big discount? Or do you know of other in-kind sponsorships that can help us do our work? Then we are very happy about that.
Because in this way you help MiVaBo to do its job, so that a more modern disability policy is formed on Bonaire, and people know what facilities there are that can help them lead a normal life.
Hall of Fame
In return, we would like to offer you a place in our Hall of Fame Sponsors. We will then contact you to discuss the text and illustration. For “larger” amounts, we can also offer you an advertisement on the homepage of and/or issue a press release about your sponsorship.